
内容贡献者可以为多个章节提供帮助,也可以只专注于一个章节。所有这些贡献都同等重要,有助于促进社区的繁荣发展。 每一章的标题都是起步阶段的草稿,社区将通过 OSPO 手册的邮件列表讨论、PR评审和贡献者电话沟通来完善和改进这些标题。

⚠️ 请确保您已阅读以下文档,然后再进一步了解项目的工作流程和治理。

  • README.md

第1章 : 开源项目办公室简介

🎯 预期涉及的讨论主题:

  • Introduce the definition of OSPOs.
  • Explore the history and roots of OSPOs.
  • Assess the readiness of organizations for open source and OSPOs.
  • Identify common antipatterns in OSPOs.
  • Present a use case illustrating the role of an OSPO.

第2章: 理解开源项目办公室在组织内的价值

🎯 预期涉及的讨论主题:

  • Examine the reasons behind establishing an OSPO for people within organizations with no OSPOs.
  • Explore the reasons for sustaining an OSPO in organizations for people that are part of an OSPO already.
  • Assess and highlight the value of open source activities within an organization across teh different teams / work units.
  • Identify common antipatterns in OSPOs.
  • Present a use case illustrating the value and impact of an OSPO.

第3章: 学习如何参与日常运营

🎯 预期涉及的讨论主题:

  • Identify the essential ingredients for establishing a Minimum Viable OSPO, such as stucture types, departments to report to, open source roles, etc.
  • Design a set of layers of work (people) tat engage with the OSPO and open source operations.
  • Guide readers in designing an open source strategy (best practices).
  • Assess OSPO maturity using the OSPO Maturity Model.
  • Identify common antipatterns in OSPOs
  • Present a use case illustrating the successful implementation of an OSPO and its evolution over the years.

第4章: 深入探讨 OSPO 的职责

🎯 预期涉及的讨论主题:

  • Deep dive into the different responsibiliteis showcased in the OSPO Mind Map project
  • Include an assessment related to OSPO responsibilities.
  • Identify common antipatterns in OSPOs.
  • Present a use case highlighting specific OSPO responsibilities.

第5章: 衡量 OSPO 的成功和影响

🎯 预期涉及的讨论主题:

  • Discuss the value and process of aligning open source strategy goals with metrics.
  • Explore different aspects of measuring open source impact within the organization and organization’s help and support across open source projects and their communities.
  • Introduce the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) approach for assessing OSPO success and teh work done in CHAOSS.
  • Discuss common antipatterns in OSPOs.
  • Present a use case showcasing the successful measurement of OSPO impact in the organization and open source projects & communities.

第6章: 社区提案主题

🎯 预期涉及的讨论主题:


最后修改 August 16, 2023: update translate (b92889c)